Monday, January 1, 2007

Past Headlines - Not yet posted to this page.

Past Headlines - Not yet posted to this page.

The Necessary Embrace of Open Conspiracy is Life. Secet Conspiracy Is Death, August 31, 2007
Be part of the open conspiracy. Pervasive, populist, revolutionary, and totally transparent. Grassroots. Idealistic. Simplistic. Life-affirming. Community building. Start breathing together, conspiring big time, right out in the open, nakedly, unashamedly.

Harley Shaiken: U.S. Labor's Still A Work In Progress, September 2, 2007
Reflect for a moment on the role of unions.

Judge Overturns Whale Protecting Ban On Sonar That May Endanger Species, August 31, 2007
Appeals court overturns a ban on US navy's use of sonar.

Rights of Nature, August 31, 2007
First law to recognize Nature's Rights. Pennsylvania borough declares corporations have no constitutional 'rights' to harm nature in the borough. This is the fifth local government to abolish the illegitimate 'rights' and privileges claimed by corporations. Also see a Rights of Nature Ordinance.

Peering Through chinks in the Armor of High-Tech Elections, May 27, 2007
When you vote, who you voted for is a secret.

Virtually everything else about elections should be public and transparent. But somehow, secrecy has come to cloak many aspects of elections. First off, the software counting votes is secret. ...

Robert Weiner and John Larmet | Presidential Economics: Myths, Facts, August 15, 2007
Robert Weiner and John Larmet, in an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, dispel the
myth that the Republicans are better for the economy. "Democratic presidents spread
the wealth through spending on needed social programs and targeting tax cuts to lower- and
middle-income Americans, stimulating the economy more broadly. Republicans pump into
defense contractors and high-income Americans, creating a significant detriment to the whole economy with larger deficits and higher interest rates."

2004 Election Ballots Destroyed In Ohio, August 16, 2007
Harvey Wasserman | Do the Neo-Cons Need Karl Rove When They Can Count on the Democrats?

Joshua Holland | Healthcare: A Sick Way to Prop Up an Ailing Economy, July 28, 2007FOCUS | Scientists Hack Voting Machines to Prove Tech Weaknesses, July 28, 2007On Healthcare: Bush's Immoral Philosophy, July 30, 2007Paul Krugman, writing for The New York Times, argues President Bush, "wants the public to believe that government is always the problem, never the solution. But it's hard to convince people that government is always bad when they see it doing good things. So his philosophy says that the government must be prevented from solving problems, even if it can. In fact, the more good a proposed government program would do, the more fiercely it must be opposed."

In Violation of Federal Law, Ohio's 2004 Presidential Election Records Are Destroyed or Missing, July 30, 2007
In 56 of Ohio's 88 counties, ballots and election records from 2004 have been "accidentally" destroyed, despite a federal order to preserve them -- it was crucial evidence which would have revealed whether the election was stolen.

Privatization of War, June 3, 2007
What If Our Mercenaries Turn on Us?, by Chris Hedges

"Mercenary forces like Blackwater operate beyond civilian and military law. They are covered by a 2004 edict passed by American occupation authorities in Iraq that immunizes all civilian contractors in Iraq from prosecution." ...

The American People Must Dismantle Both Empire & Military establishment,
May 15, 2007
Evil Empire, Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America, by Chalmers Johnson.

mperial overstretch imperils the American republic and what's left of our democratic system as well as the American economy." ...

Privatizing Iraq's Oil: In Whose Interest?
The architects of a new Iraq oil law aim to privatize Iraq's oil and open the doors for American companies to sign long term contracts controlling Iraq's oil resources and infrastructure, which is in violation of existing US legislation ...

'Granny D' Pushes 'Politics of Love'
Preaching love and campaign-finance reform, 97-year-old "Granny D" spoke in Chico Monday. Surely one of America's oldest political activists, Doris "Granny D" Haddock is renowned for promoting her cause by walking across the country when she was 89. ...

Citizen-Rights In Missouri: Local Choice Protects Farms and Food
Local control means that our locally elected officials can make decisions and establish policies that affect our unique communities. These policies might ... set health standards to protect air and water quality. ... locally elected officials have the freedom to choose tighter standards. ...

Ohio's Election Protection Movement Wins Two Big Victories
Ohio's powerful GOP Chair will be forced to face a public hearing on his removal as Chair of the Cuyahoga (Cleveland) Board of Elections. And Ohio Secretary of State to take possession of the ballots and other key documents from the disputed 2004 election that gave George W. Bush a second term in the White House. ...

Cost of Iraq War
Here's the Math if our citizens were killed and wounded at the same rate as in Iraq? ...

AfD Victory in Ohio Election Case
12/26 The Plain Dealer reports "The Ohio Chamber of Commerce decided to drop its appeal last week of a ruling by the Ohio Elections Commission that its onetime political arm, Citizens for a Strong Ohio, illegally campaigned against [State Supreme Court Justice] Resnick six years ago." <full story>

It's Still about oil in Iraq
The Iraq Study Group has simply made the case for extending the war until foreign oil companies -- presumably American ones -- have guaranteed legal access to all of Iraq's oil fields and until they are assured the best legal and financial terms possible. ...

Why Is The USA Still In Iraq?
Robert Scheer writes about The Real Menace. It's not primarily about the oil. It's much more about the military-industrial complex that has created a militarized economy with the acquisition of unwarranted influence. Scheer calls for taking nothing for granted. Compelling peaceful methods and goals. ...

Corporations Win Under Globalization
Broken Promises
Spoils of Globalization go to Corporations, Countries, not Working Poor by William Pfaff

Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney
A gripping call for action from the leading political analysts of our time
"This important volume, contributing powerfully to the campaign for impeachment, must be welcomed by anyone concerned for peace, justice, and a truly democratic nation."
-- Howard Zinn, from the Introduction ...

Election Protection Victory
Grassroots election protection movement wins. Read more

Chicago Voter Database Hacked
Non-partisan civic organization claims it hacked into the Chicago voter database for the 1.35 million voters. Click here for full story.

Voting problems in at least 10 states
New report on electoral reforms across the country warns states are at risk of major voting problems in mid-term elections. Click here for ElectionLine report, breaking election news, and more.

Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
Rolling Stone magazine article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, published on Thursday, June 1, 2006. Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House

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